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246 papers
- Faster Global Minimum Cut with PredictionsMoseley, Niaparast, SingharXiv '25graph problemsrunning time
- Mechanisms for Selling an Item Among a Strategic Bidder and a Profiled AgentCaragiannis, KalantzisarXiv '25auctionsgame theory / mechanism design
- Incremental Approximate Single-Source Shortest Paths with PredictionsMcCauley, Moseley, Niaparast, Niaparast, SingharXiv '25dynamic / data structuregraph problemsshortest path
- Utilitarian Distortion with PredictionsFilos-Ratsikas, Kalantzis, VoudourisarXiv '25game theory / mechanism design
- Pareto-Optimality, Smoothness, and Stochasticity in Learning-Augmented One-Max-SearchBenomar, Croissant, Perchet, AngelopoulosarXiv '25onlinesearch
- Algorithms with Calibrated Machine Learning PredictionsShen, Vitercik, WikumarXiv '25onlinerent-or-buyscheduling
- Polynomial Time Learning-Augmented Algorithms for NP-hard Permutation ProblemsBampis, Escoffier, Fotakis, Patsilinakos, XefterisarXiv '25approximationauctionsgraph problemsrouting / TSPscheduling
- Decision-Theoretic Approaches in Learning-Augmented AlgorithmsAngelopoulos, Dürr, MelidiarXiv '25onlineschedulingsearch
- On Tradeoffs in Learning-Augmented AlgorithmsBenomar, PerchetarXiv '25onlinerent-or-buysearch
- Distributed Graph Algorithms with PredictionsBoyar, Ellen, LarsenarXiv '25distributed algorithmsgraph problems
- Learning-Augmented Streaming Algorithms for Approximating MAX-CUTDong, Peng, VakilianarXiv '24ITCS '25approximationgraph problemsstreaming
- Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Concave Packing and Convex Covering ProblemsGrigorescu, Lin, SongarXiv '24onlinepacking
- Strategyproof Learning with AdviceBalkanski, ZhuALT '25arXiv '24game theory / mechanism designlearning
- Strategic Facility Location via PredictionsChen, Gravin, ImarXiv '24facility locationgame theory / mechanism design
- A short note about the learning-augmented secretary problemChoo, LingarXiv '24onlinesecretary
- Learning-Augmented Robust Algorithmic RecourseKayastha, Gkatzelis, JabbariarXiv '24robustness
- Bayesian Binary SearchVikash Singh, Matthew Khanzadeh, Vincent Davis, Harrison Rush, Emanuele Rossi, Jesse Shrader, Pietro LioarXiv '24experimental evaluationrunning timesearch
- Binary Search with Distributional PredictionsDinitz, Im, Lavastida, Moseley, Niaparast, VassilvitskiiarXiv '24NeurIPS '24dynamic / data structuresearch
- Comparing the Hardness of Online Minimization and Maximization Problems with PredictionsBergarXiv '24online
- CarbonClipper: Optimal Algorithms for Carbon-Aware Spatiotemporal Workload ManagementLechowicz, Christianson, Sun, Bashir, Hajiesmaili, Wierman, ShenoyarXiv '24allocation / matchingonline
- Clock Auctions Augmented with Unreliable AdviceGkatzelis, Schoepflin, TanarXiv '24SODA '25auctionsgame theory / mechanism design
- Complexity Classes for Online Problems with and without PredictionsBerg, Boyar, Favrholdt, LarsenarXiv '24online
- A Simple Learning-Augmented Algorithm for Online Packing with Concave ObjectivesGrigorescu, Lin, SongarXiv '24onlinepackingscheduling
- Equilibria in multiagent online problems with predictionsIstrate, Bonchis, BogdanarXiv '24game theory / mechanism designonlinerent-or-buy
- Channel Balance Interpolation in the Lightning Network via Machine LearningVincent, Emanuele Rossi, Vikash SingharXiv '24experimental evaluationroutingrunning timesearch
- Online Lead Time Quotation with PredictionsHuo, Tianming; Cheung, Wang ChiSSRN '24onlinescheduling
- Competitive strategies to use "warm start" algorithms with predictionsSrinivas, BlumarXiv '24SODA '25multiple predictionsonline
- Non-clairvoyant Scheduling with Partial PredictionsBenomar, PerchetarXiv '24ICML '24onlineparsimonious / succinctscheduling
- PCF Learned Sort: a Learning Augmented Sort Algorithm with O(n log log n) Expected ComplexitySato, MatsuiarXiv '24running timesorting
- To Trust or Not to Trust: Assignment Mechanisms with Predictions in the Private Graph ModelColini-Baldeschi, Klumper, Schäfer, TsikiridisarXiv '24EC '24allocation / matchinggame theory / mechanism designgraph problems
- Best of Many in Both Worlds: Online Resource Allocation with Predictions under Unknown Arrival ModelAn, Li, Moseley, VisotskyarXiv '24allocation / matchingonline
- Learning-Augmented Skip ListsFu, Seo, ZhouarXiv '24dynamic / data structuresearch
- Max-Cut with ε-Accurate PredictionsCohen-Addad, d'Orsi, Gupta, Lee, PanigrahiarXiv '24approximationgraph problems
- Online Covering with Multiple ExpertsKevi, NguyenarXiv '23coveringmultiple predictionsonline
- On Optimal Consistency-Robustness Trade-Off for Learning-Augmented Multi-Option Ski RentalShin, Lee, AnarXiv '23onlinerent-or-buy
- Credence: Augmenting Datacenter Switch Buffer Sharing with ML PredictionsAddanki, Pacut, SchmidarXiv '24NSDI '24networksonlinequeueing
- Overcoming Brittleness in Pareto-Optimal Learning-Augmented AlgorithmsAngelopoulos, Dürr, Elenter, LefkiarXiv '24NeurIPS '24online
- Online Graph Coloring with PredictionsAntoniadis, Broersma, MengarXiv '23ISCO '24graph problemsonline
- Fair Secretaries with Unfair PredictionsBalkanski, Ma, MaggioriarXiv '24NeurIPS '24onlinesecretary
- Randomized Strategic Facility Location with PredictionsBalkanski, Gkatzelis, ShahkaramiarXiv '24NeurIPS '24facility locationgame theory / mechanism design
- Parsimonious Learning-Augmented Approximations for Dense Instances of NP-hard ProblemsBampis, Escoffier, XefterisarXiv '24ICML '24approximationgraph problemsrunning time
- MAC Advice for Facility Location Mechanism DesignBarak, Gupta, Talgam-CohenarXiv '24NeurIPS '24facility locationgame theory / mechanism design
- Learning-Augmented Priority QueuesBenomar, CoesterarXiv '24NeurIPS '24dynamic / data structureshortest pathsortingtwo-oracle
- Online Bin Covering with Frequency PredictionsBerg, KamaliarXiv '24SWAT '24coveringonline
- Fast and Accurate Triangle Counting in Graph Streams Using PredictionsBoldrin, VandinarXiv '24ICDM '24streaming
- The Secretary Problem with Predicted Additive GapBraun, SarkararXiv '24NeurIPS '24onlinesecretary
- Learning-augmented Maximum Independent SetBraverman, Dharangutte, Shah, WangAPPROX/RANDOM '24arXiv '24approximationgraph problems
- Randomized learning-augmented auctions with revenue guaranteesCaragiannis, KalantzisarXiv '24IJCAI '24auctionsgame theory / mechanism design
- Online bipartite matching with imperfect adviceChoo, Gouleakis, Ling, BhattacharyyaarXiv '24ICML '24allocation / matchingonline
- Mechanism Design Augmented with Output AdviceChristodoulou, Sgouritsa, VlachosarXiv '24NeurIPS '24auctionsfacility locationgame theory / mechanism designscheduling
- Plant-and-Steal: Truthful Fair Allocations via PredictionsCohen, Eden, Eden, VasilyanarXiv '24NeurIPS '24allocation / matchinggame theory / mechanism design
- Warm-starting Push-RelabelDavies, Vassilvitskii, WangarXiv '24NeurIPS '24graph problemsrunning time
- Learning-Based Algorithms for Graph Searching ProblemsDePavia, Tani, VakilianAISTATS '24arXiv '24explorationonlinesearch
- Accelerating Matroid Optimization through Fast Imprecise OraclesEberle, Hommelsheim, Lindermayr, Liu, Megow, SchlöterarXiv '24NeurIPS '24matroidrunning timetwo-oracle
- Learning-Augmented Algorithms with Explicit PredictorsElias, Kaplan, Mansour, MoranarXiv '24NeurIPS '24allocation / matchingcaching / pagingonlinescheduling
- Online Simple Knapsack with Bounded PredictionsGehnen, Lotze, RossmanithSTACS '24onlinepacking
- Connectivity Oracles for Predictable Vertex FailuresHu, Kosinas, PolakarXiv '23ESA '24dynamic / data structurenetwork design
- Chasing Convex Functions with Long-term ConstraintsLechowicz, Christianson, Sun, Bashir, Hajiesmaili, Wierman, ShenoyarXiv '24ICML '24k-server / MTSonlinesearch
- Disentangling Linear Quadratic Control with Untrusted ML PredictionsLi, Liu, YueNeurIPS '24linear quadratic controlonline
- Incremental Topological Ordering and Cycle Detection with PredictionsMcCauley, Moseley, Niaparast, SingharXiv '24ICML '24dynamic / data structuregraph problemsrunning time
- Online Classification with PredictionsRaman, TewariarXiv '24NeurIPS '24learningonline
- Algorithms for Caching and MTS with Reduced Number of PredictionsSadek, EliasarXiv '24ICLR '24caching / pagingk-server / MTSonline
- Learning-Augmented Frequency Estimation in Sliding WindowsShahout, Sabek, MitzenmacherarXiv '24ICNP '24streaming
- Robust Learning-Augmented DictionariesZeynali, Kamali, HajiesmailiarXiv '24ICML '24dynamic / data structuresearch
- Cost-Driven Data Replication with PredictionsZuo, Tang, LeearXiv '24SPAA '24online
- Learning-Augmented Algorithms for the Bahncard ProblemZhao, Tang, Chen, DengarXiv '24NeurIPS '24onlinerent-or-buy
- Learning-Augmented Dynamic Submodular MaximizationAgarwal, BalkanskiarXiv '23NeurIPS '24dynamic / data structurerunning timesubmodular maximization
- Online Conversion with Switching Costs: Robust and Learning-Augmented AlgorithmsLechowicz, Christianson, Sun, Bashir, Hajiesmaili, Wierman, ShenoyarXiv '23SIGMETRICS/Performance '24onlinesearch
- Online Algorithms with Uncertainty-Quantified PredictionsSun, Huang, Christianson, Hajiesmaili, WiermanarXiv '23ICML '24onlinerent-or-buysearch
- Online Mechanism Design with PredictionsBalkanski, Gkatzelis, Tan, ZhuarXiv '23EC '24auctionsgame theory / mechanism design
- Competitive Auctions with Imperfect PredictionsLu, Wan, ZhangarXiv '23EC '24auctionsgame theory / mechanism design
- On the Complexity of Algorithms with Predictions for Dynamic Graph ProblemsHenzinger, Lincoln, Saha, Seybold, YearXiv '23ITCS '24dynamic / data structurerunning time
- On Dynamic Graph Algorithms with PredictionsBrand, Forster, Nazari, PolakarXiv '23SODA '24dynamic / data structuregraph problemsrunning time
- Learning-Augmented Metric Distortion via (p,q)-Veto CoreBerger, Feldman, Gkatzelis, TanarXiv '23EC '24game theory / mechanism design
- Online Resource Allocation with Convex-set Machine-Learned AdviceGolrezaei, Jaillet, ZhouarXiv '23allocation / matchingonline
- The Predicted-Deletion Dynamic Model: Taking Advantage of ML Predictions, for FreeLiu, SrinivasarXiv '23dynamic / data structurerunning time
- Learning-Augmented Decentralized Online Convex Optimization in NetworksLi, Yang, Wierman, RenarXiv '23Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. '24online
- The Secretary Problem with PredictionsFujii, YoshidaarXiv '23Math. Oper. Res. '24onlinesecretary
- Time Fairness in Online Knapsack ProblemsLechowicz, Sengupta, Sun, Kamali, HajiesmailiarXiv '23ICLR '24allocation / matchingonlinepacking
- The Nonstationary Newsvendor with (and without) PredictionsAn, Li, Moseley, RaviarXiv '23online
- Learning-Augmented Online Packet Scheduling with DeadlinesStein, WeiarXiv '23onlinerouting / TSPscheduling
- Online Time-Windows TSP with PredictionsChawla, ChristouAPPROX/RANDOM '24arXiv '23onlinerouting / TSP
- Mechanism Design With Predictions for Obnoxious Facility LocationIstrate, BonchisarXiv '22facility locationgame theory / mechanism design
- The Safe and Effective Use of Low-Assurance Predictions in Safety-Critical SystemsAgrawal, Baruah, Bender, Marchetti-SpaccamelaECRTS '23real-timescheduling
- Competitive Search in the Line and the Star with PredictionsAngelopoulosarXiv '23MFCS '23onlinesearch
- Renyi-Ulam Games and Online Computation with Imperfect AdviceAngelopoulos, KamaliarXiv '23MFCS '23auctionsonlinepackingsearch
- Mixing predictions for online metric algorithmsAntoniadis, Coester, Eliáš, Polak, SimonarXiv '23ICML '23k-server / MTSmultiple predictionsonline
- Discrete-Smoothness in Online Algorithms with PredictionsAzar, Panigrahi, TouitouNeurIPS '23coveringonline
- Sorting with PredictionsBai, CoesterarXiv '23NeurIPS '23running timesorting
- Bicriteria Multidimensional Mechanism Design with Side InformationBalcan, Prasad, SandholmarXiv '23NeurIPS '23game theory / mechanism design
- Mechanism Design with Predictions: An Annotated Reading ListBalkanski, Gkatzelis, TanSIGecom Exch. '23game theory / mechanism designsurvey
- Energy-Efficient Scheduling with PredictionsBalkanski, Perivier, Stein, WeiarXiv '24NeurIPS '23onlinescheduling
- Learning-Augmented Online TSP on Rings, Trees, Flowers and (almost) Everywhere ElseBampis, Escoffier, Gouleakis, Hahn, Lakis, Shahkarami, XefterisarXiv '23ESA '23onlinerouting / TSP
- Graph Searching with PredictionsBanerjee, Cohen-Addad, Gupta, LiarXiv '22ITCS '23explorationonlinesearch
- Advice Querying under Budget Constraint for Online AlgorithmsBenomar, PerchetNeurIPS '23onlineparsimonious / succinctrent-or-buyschedulingsecretary
- Online Minimum Spanning Trees with Weight PredictionsBerg, Boyar, Favrholdt, LarsenarXiv '23WADS '23network designonline
- Online Interval Scheduling with PredictionsBoyar, Favrholdt, Kamali, LarsenarXiv '23WADS '23allocation / matchingonlinescheduling
- LearnedSort as a learning-augmented SampleSort: Analysis and ParallelizationCarvalho, LawrencearXiv '23SSDBM '23running timesorting
- Active causal structure learning with adviceChoo, Gouleakis, BhattacharyyaarXiv '23ICML '23learning
- Optimal robustness-consistency tradeoffs for learning-augmented metrical task systemsChristianson, Shen, WiermanAISTATS '23k-server / MTSonline
- A General Framework for Learning-Augmented Online AllocationCohen, PanigrahiarXiv '23ICALP '23allocation / matchingonlinescheduling
- Predictive Flows for Faster Ford-FulkersonDavies, Moseley, Vassilvitskii, WangarXiv '23ICML '23graph problemsrunning time
- Online Algorithms with Costly PredictionsDrygala, Nagarajan, SvenssonAISTATS '23onlinerent-or-buy
- Trade-off Analysis in Learning-augmented Algorithms with Societal Design CriteriaHajiesmailiSIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev. '23onlinepacking
- Online Dynamic Acknowledgement with Learned PredictionsIm, Moseley, Xu, ZhangarXiv '23INFOCOM '23online
- Online State Exploration: Competitive Worst Case and Learning-Augmented AlgorithmsIm, Moseley, Xu, ZhangECML/PKDD '23explorationonlinesearch
- Minimalistic Predictions to Schedule Jobs with Online Precedence ConstraintsLassota, Lindermayr, Megow, SchlöterarXiv '23ICML '23onlineparsimonious / succinctscheduling
- Speeding Up Bellman Ford via Minimum Violation PermutationsLattanzi, Svensson, VassilvitskiiICML '23graph problemsrunning timeshortest path
- Beyond Black-Box Advice: Learning-Augmented Algorithms for MDPs with Q-Value PredictionsLi, Lin, Ren, WiermanarXiv '23NeurIPS '23MDPonline
- Speed-Oblivious Online Scheduling: Knowing (Precise) Speeds is not NecessaryLindermayr, Megow, RapparXiv '23ICML '23onlinescheduling
- Applied Online Algorithms with Heterogeneous PredictorsMaghakian, Lee, Hajiesmaili, Li, Sitaraman, LiuICML '23multiple predictionsonlinerent-or-buy
- Online List Labeling with PredictionsMcCauley, Moseley, Niaparast, SingharXiv '23NeurIPS '23dynamic / data structurelist labeling
- Faster Discrete Convex Function Minimization with Predictions: The M-Convex CaseOki, SakauearXiv '23NeurIPS '23running time
- Rethinking Warm-Starts with Predictions: Learning Predictions Close to Sets of Optimal Solutions for Faster L-/L-Convex Function MinimizationSakaue, OkiarXiv '23ICML '23running time
- Improved Learning-Augmented Algorithms for the Multi-Option Ski Rental Problem via Best-Possible Competitive AnalysisShin, Lee, Lee, AnarXiv '23ICML '23onlinerent-or-buy
- Improved Frequency Estimation Algorithms with and without PredictionsAamand, Chen, Nguyen, Silwal, VakilianarXiv '23NeurIPS '23parsimonious / succinctstreaming
- Learned Interpolation for Better Streaming Quantile Approximation with Worst Case GuaranteesSchiefer, Chen, Indyk, Narayanan, Silwal, WagnerACDA '23arXiv '23streaming
- KwikBucks: Correlation Clustering with Cheap-Weak and Expensive-Strong SignalsSilwal, Ahmadian, Nystrom, McCallum, Ramachandran, KazemiICLR '23SustaiNLP '23clusteringrunning timetwo-oracle
- Scheduling with PredictionsCho, Henderson, ShmoysarXiv '22onlinescheduling
- Online Search with Predictions: Pareto-optimal Algorithm and its Applications in Energy MarketsLee, Sun, Hajiesmaili, LuiarXiv '22e-Energy '24onlinesearch
- Improved Learning-augmented Algorithms for k-means and k-medians ClusteringThy Nguyen, Anamay Chaturvedi, Huy NguyenarXiv '22ICLR '23approximationclustering
- On the Power of Learning-Augmented BSTsChen, ChenarXiv '22dynamic / data structuresearch
- Paging with Succinct PredictionsAntoniadis, Boyar, Eliáš, Favrholdt, Hoeksma, Larsen, Polak, SimonarXiv '22ICML '23caching / pagingonline
- Proportionally Fair Online Allocation of Public Goods with PredictionsBanerjee, Gkatzelis, Hossain, Jin, Micha, ShaharXiv '22IJCAI '23allocation / matchingonline
- Private Algorithms with Private PredictionsAmin, Dick, Khodak, VassilvitskiiarXiv '22differential privacy
- Strategyproof Scheduling with PredictionsBalkanski, Gkatzelis, TanarXiv '22ITCS '23game theory / mechanism designscheduling
- Learning-Augmented Maximum FlowPolak, ZubarXiv '22Inf. Process. Lett. '24IPL '24graph problemsrunning time
- Online Prediction in Sub-linear SpacePeng, ZhangarXiv '22SODA '23learningonline
- Online TSP with PredictionsHu, Wei, Li, Chung, LiaoarXiv '22onlinerouting / TSP
- Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online TSP on the LineGouleakis, Lakis, ShahkaramiAAAI '23arXiv '22onlinerouting / TSP
- On Preemption and Learning in Stochastic SchedulingMerlis, Richard, Sentenac, Odic, Molina, PerchetarXiv '22ICML '23learningscheduling
- Scheduling with Speed PredictionsBalkanski, Ou, Stein, WeiarXiv '22WAOA '23onlinescheduling
- Single-Leg Revenue Management with AdviceBalseiro, Kroer, KumararXiv '22EC '23online
- Lazy Lagrangians with Predictions for Online LearningAnderson, Iosifidis, LeitharXiv '22learningonline
- Learning-Augmented Mechanism Design: Leveraging Predictions for Facility LocationAgrawal, Balkanski, Gkatzelis, Ou, TanarXiv '22EC '22Math. Oper. Res. '24facility locationgame theory / mechanism design
- Online Algorithms with Multiple PredictionsAnand, Ge, Kumar, PanigrahiarXiv '22ICML '22coveringmultiple predictionsonline
- A Novel Prediction Setup for Online Speed-ScalingAntoniadis, Ganje, ShahkaramiarXiv '21SWAT '22onlinescheduling
- Online Graph Algorithms with PredictionsAzar, Panigrahi, TouitouarXiv '21SODA '22network designonline
- Distortion-Oblivious Algorithms for Scheduling on Multiple MachinesAzar, Peretz, TouitouISAAC '22onlinescheduling
- Scheduling with Untrusted PredictionsBampis, Dogeas, Kononov, Lucarelli, PascualIJCAI '22onlinescheduling
- Canadian Traveller Problem with PredictionsBampis, Escoffier, XefterisarXiv '22WAOA '22onlinerouting / TSP
- A Universal Error Measure for Input Predictions Applied to Online Graph ProblemsBernardini, Lindermayr, Marchetti-Spaccamela, Megow, Stougie, SweeringarXiv '22NeurIPS '22network designonlinerouting / TSP
- Machine Learning Advised Ski Rental Problem with a DiscountBhattacharya, DasWALCOM '22onlinerent-or-buy
- Online Unit Profit Knapsack with Untrusted PredictionsBoyar, Favrholdt, LarsenarXiv '22SWAT '22onlinepacking
- Triangle and Four Cycle Counting with Predictions in Graph StreamsChen, Eden, Indyk, Lin, Narayanan, Rubinfeld, Silwal, Wagner, Woodruff, ZhangarXiv '22ICLR '22streaming
- Faster Fundamental Graph Algorithms via Learned PredictionsChen, Silwal, Vakilian, ZhangarXiv '22ICML '22allocation / matchingrunning timeshortest path
- Chasing Convex Bodies and Functions with Black-Box AdviceChristianson, Handina, WiermanarXiv '22COLT '22convex body chasingonline
- Algorithms with Prediction PortfoliosDinitz, Im, Lavastida, Moseley, VassilvitskiiarXiv '22NeurIPS '22allocation / matchingmultiple predictionsonlinescheduling
- Robustification of Online Graph Exploration MethodsEberle, Lindermayr, Megow, Nölke, SchlöterAAAI '22arXiv '21explorationonlinesearch
- Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with UncertaintyErlebach, Lima, Megow, SchlöterarXiv '22ESA '22explorable uncertaintynetwork designonline
- Approximate Cluster Recovery from Noisy LabelsGamlath, Lattanzi, Norouzi-Fard, SvenssonCOLT '22approximationclustering
- Improved Price of Anarchy via PredictionsGkatzelis, Kollias, Sgouritsa, TanarXiv '22EC '22game theory / mechanism design
- Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Linear and Semidefinite ProgrammingGrigorescu, Lin, Silwal, Song, ZhouarXiv '22NeurIPS '22coveringonlineSDP
- Parsimonious Learning-Augmented CachingIm, Kumar, Petety, PurohitarXiv '22ICML '22caching / pagingonline
- Online Bipartite Matching with Advice: Tight Robustness-Consistency Tradeoffs for the Two-Stage ModelJin, MaarXiv '22NeurIPS '22allocation / matchingonline
- Learning Predictions for Algorithms with PredictionsKhodak, Balcan, Talwalkar, VassilvitskiiarXiv '22NeurIPS '22learningonline
- Offline and Online Algorithms for SSD ManagementLange, Naor, YadgarCACM '23SIGMETRICS '22onlinescheduling
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- Permutation Predictions for Non-Clairvoyant SchedulingLindermayr, MegowarXiv '22SPAA '22onlineparsimonious / succinctscheduling
- Robust Load Balancing with Machine Learned AdvicePeng, Ahmadian, Esfandiari, MirrokniJ. Mach. Learn. Res. '23SODA '22allocation / matchingonlinescheduling
- Discrete-Convex-Analysis-Based Framework for Warm-Starting Algorithms with PredictionsSakaue, OkiarXiv '22NeurIPS '22allocation / matchingmatroidrunning time
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- Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Steiner TreeXu, MoseleyAAAI '22arXiv '21network designonline
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- Brief Announcement: Towards a More Robust Algorithm for Flow Time Scheduling with PredictionsZhao, Li, Li, ZomayaSPAA '22onlinescheduling
- Uniform Machine Scheduling with PredictionsZhao, Li, ZomayaICAPS '22onlinescheduling
- Real-Time Scheduling with PredictionsZhao, Li, ZomayaRTSS '22onlinescheduling
- Using Machine Learning Predictions to Speed-up Dijkstra's Shortest Path AlgorithmFeijen, SchäferarXiv '21running timeshortest path
- Competitive Sequencing with Noisy AdviceAngelopoulos, Kamali, ShadkamiarXiv '21onlinescheduling
- Learning-Augmented k-means ClusteringErgun, Feng, Silwal, Woodruff, ZhouarXiv '21ICLR '22approximationclusteringrunning time
- Online Facility Location with PredictionsJiang, Liu, Lyu, Tang, ZhangarXiv '21ICLR '22network designonline
- Online Primal-Dual Algorithms with Predictions for Packing ProblemsDürr, ThangarXiv '21onlinepacking
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- Can Q-Learning be Improved with Advice?Golowich, MoitraarXiv '21COLT '22learning
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- Learning to Hash Robustly, GuaranteedAndoni, BeagleholearXiv '21ICML '22hashingrunning time
- Optimal Stopping Methodology for the Secretary Problem with Random QueriesMoustakides, Liu, MilenkovicarXiv '21J. Appl. Probab. '24explorationonlinesecretary
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- Double Coverage with Machine-Learned AdviceLindermayr, Megow, SimonarXiv '21ITCS '22k-server / MTSonline
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- A Regression Approach to Learning-Augmented Online AlgorithmsAnand, Ge, Kumar, PanigrahiarXiv '22NeurIPS '21learningonline
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- Learning Online Algorithms with Distributional AdviceIlias Diakonikolas, Vasilis Kontonis, Christos Tzamos, Ali Vakilian, Nikos ZarifisICML '21learningonlinerent-or-buy
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- Learning-based support estimation in sublinear timeEden, Indyk, Narayanan, Rubinfeld, Silwal, WagnerarXiv '21ICLR '21running timesample complexity
- On the performance of learned data structuresFerragina, Lillo, VinciguerraTheor. Comput. Sci. '21dynamic / data structure
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- Non-Clairvoyant Scheduling with PredictionsIm, Kumar, Quaem, PurohitACM Trans. Parallel Comput. '23ISAIM '22SPAA '21onlinescheduling
- Online Knapsack with Frequency PredictionsIm, Kumar, Quaem, PurohitNeurIPS '21onlinepacking
- Using Predicted Weights for Ad DeliveryLavastida, Moseley, Ravi, XuACDA '21arXiv '21allocation / matchingonline
- Online peak-aware energy scheduling with untrusted adviceLee, Maghakian, Hajiesmaili, Sitaraman, Liue-Energy '21SIGENERGY '22onlinescheduling
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- A New Approach to Capacity Scaling Augmented With Unreliable Machine Learning PredictionsRutten, MukherjeearXiv '21Math. Oper. Res. '24onlinescheduling
- Pareto-optimal learning-augmented algorithms for online conversion problemsSun, Lee, Hajiesmaili, Wierman, TsangarXiv '21NeurIPS '21online
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- Contract scheduling with predictionsAngelopoulos, KamaliAAAI '21arXiv '20J. Artif. Intell. Res. '23onlinescheduling
- Learnable and Instance-Robust Predictions for Online Matching, Flows and Load BalancingLavastida, Moseley, Ravi, XuarXiv '20ESA '21allocation / matchingonlinescheduling
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- Online Paging with a Vanishing RegretEmek, Kutten, ShiarXiv '20ITCS '21caching / pagingonline
- Secretaries with AdviceDüttung, Lattanzi, Leme, VassilvitskiiarXiv '20EC '21Math. Oper. Res. '24onlinesecretary
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